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REX-CO2 Knowledge Sharing Webinar

Thursday 30th June, 2022, Bucharest

Please join us for our REX-CO2 knowledge sharing event where we will present the
latest project results investing the potential for well re-use for CO2 storage.

About REX-CO2

This project deals with the question of how to evaluate and assess existing well infrastructure to potentially re-use it for CO2 storage operations. The consortium is made up of a mixture of research institutions, operators, and regulatory authorities, from a total of 6 countries.

13:00 Session 1:

REX-CO2 Project Introduction
• Introduction to infrastructure re-use in CCS projects
• Overview of REX-CO2 project

14:30 Session 2:

Well-screening using the REX-CO2 Tool
• REX-CO2 tool demonstration
• Case study of tool application

16:00 Session 3:

Panel discussion
Topic: What role can governments play in supporting well re-use for CCS?

Featured Talks & Speakers

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Oct. 13 — 11:12 PM

Victoria Mithal

How to give your brand a voice

Oct. 12 — 12:15 AM

Ronaldo Robert

Building Design Systems

Oct. 14 — 07:45 AM

Ionut Zamfir

Rapid Prototyping Tools

Watch our video


Please join us for our REX-CO2 knowledge sharing event where we will present the
latest project results investing the potential for well re-use for CO2 storage.

Our Sponsors

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Please join us for our REX-CO2 knowledge sharing event where we will present the
latest project results investing the potential for well re-use for CO2 storage.

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